“A long December and there’s reason to believe, maybe this year will be better than the last.” While not traditional to the holiday, opening lyrics of the Counting Crows song are the perfect counterbalance I need during final weeks and days of the year. For me, the song is about both hope and realism, as well as the rapid passing of time and hallmark moments we promise to hold dear. For those of us who care for another, such reminders bring gravity, a heaviness that is felt no matter how exuberantly we sing our favorite carol or vow to make this holiday season even better than the last.
The power of music has become somewhat of a theme regarding this month’s blogs. Familiarity around songs of the season opens a door to so many powerful emotions which I believe can infuse this December with not just memorable moments in celebration or quiet moments in reflection, but also opportunity to connect differently with those we care for and those in our Care Circles.
No doubt it will be another long December and I hope Caregiven not only provides you with a “reason to believe maybe this year will be better than the last,” but we support you in holding “on to these moments as they pass.”
Best wishes,
Caregiven hopes to provide our readers with meaningful content that stands apart from all the noise directed at caregivers. Often, we reflect on our personal journeys to add perspective, share our vulnerabilities to encourage recognition of feelings, or make suggestions that can save you time and mental energy.
We know navigating a care journey can be overwhelming and isolating, often compounded by those concerned for the individual needing care and are desperate to understand how they can help. Having to manage as many methods of communication as there are individuals who want you to communicate with them is yet another
For this reason, Caregiven’s recent update includes the Your Care Feed feature. Private and secure, Your Care Feed is a single point of communication that facilitates social and emotional connection with members of the Care Circle. It can be used to convey health updates, requests for help, as well as sharing meaningful and memorable moments that arise along every care journey.
“Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.” -Hal Borland