2 min read

Home Adjustments for Fall and Winter: Caregiver Tips

Home Adjustments for Fall and Winter: Caregiver Tips

So far this month we've explored the emotional and practical implications of transitioning from summer to fall, as well as how to manage the change in seasons at work. Now, let's explore how to create a home environment that supports you and your care recipient through seasonal shifts.

Practical Home Adjustments

Preparing for fall and winter doesn’t necessarily require a great deal of work. Minor changes can make a significant difference in creating a safer, more comfortable environment.

Reorganize Spaces

Space and storage needs change along with the seasons. Here are some simple ways to make the most of your living areas:
  • Clear pathways: Ensure walkways are obstacle-free, especially when storing seasonal gear.
  • Create cozy corners: Designate a comfortable spot with good lighting and easy access to books or hobbies.
  • Rotate seasonal items: Store out of season clothes to make room for current necessities and reduce clutter.

Address Lighting and Safety

Changing seasons often affect the availability of natural light, which could create safety hazards. Learn how to address both:
  • Maximize natural light: Keep windows clean and curtains open during daylight hours to take advantage of limited sunlight.
  • Add light sources: Place lamps in darker corners and consider light therapy boxes to combat the effects of shorter days.
  • Check heating systems: Ensure your heating system is clean and functioning properly before cold weather arrives. 
  • Prepare for slippery surfaces: As temperatures drop, ice and snow could create dangerous conditions. Steps you can take to ensure safety include:
    • Stock up on salt, sand, or pet-safe ice melt before the first freeze.
    • Keep shovels and ice scrapers easily accessible.
    • Consider installing handrails along outdoor steps or walkways.
    • Place non-slip mats in high-traffic entryways.
    • Arrange for snow removal services if shoveling isn't feasible.
    • Ensure your care recipient has proper footwear for winter conditions.

Creating a Cozy Atmosphere

iStock-1781462939Comfortable environments can boost mood and create a sense of well-being. Here are a few ideas to make your home more inviting:
  • Bring nature indoors: Use seasonal plants or flowers to brighten the space.
  • Rotate decorative items: Switch out throw pillows or wall art to reflect the current season.
  • Spark the senses: Use seasonal scented candles or diffusers, being mindful of any sensitivities.

Remember, home adjustments don't have to be excessive or expensive. Minor updates can significantly impact how comfortable and safe your home feels throughout the changing seasons.

Getting Started: Your Seasonal Home Review

Taking action, even in small steps, offers important results. Consider a simple activity to assist in preparing your home for the season:
  1. Choose a room: Select a space where you and your care recipient spend a lot of time, such as the living room or kitchen.
  2. Assess the space: Look around the room. Are there areas that could be decluttered? Areas that need better lighting? Places that could benefit from a touch of seasonal decor?
  3. Determine tasks: Note three slight changes that would enhance the space. Consider adding a cozy blanket, rearranging furniture for better flow, or setting up a lamp to brighten a dark corner.
  4. Take action: Completing one item from your list today will encourage a more comfortable seasonal transition.

Looking Ahead

Managing seasonal transitions at home is about creating a space that supports both physical comfort and emotional well-being. By planning ahead, making practical adjustments, and focusing on creating a positive atmosphere, you can mitigate potential anxiety for both you and your care recipient.

Doing everything at once isn’t necessary. Find comfort in making thoughtful, progressive changes over time. Be patient with yourself and celebrate progress, no matter how insignificant it might seem.

If you're seeking additional support for managing seasonal transitions or other aspects of caregiving, we invite you to explore resources and tools offered in the Caregiven app