Who Cares Newsletters

Who Cares August 2024

Written by Caregiven Team | Aug 13, 2024 3:32:02 PM


Some days caregiving feels like you're being pulled in a hundred directions at once, yet not accomplishing anything. When you're stretched thin trying to balance it all and are left feeling discouraged, your values might be in conflict. While those moments are challenging, they present an opportunity for you to slow down and reconnect with what truly matters.

This month, we're exploring how personal values can serve as your north star when facing difficult caregiving situations. Our resources empower managing choices in your personal life, at home, and at work. We hope these insights will support preserving whatever brings joy and peace throughout your caregiving journey.



Caregiven founder Candice Smith shares from her personal caregiving journey and reminds us why self-care isn't selfish — it's essential.

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Caregiving takes a village, and we've enhanced the Care Circle feature to further simplify coordinating your private support network. Now, through the introduction of Multiple Care Circles, you can set up separate groups for each of your care recipients. It's an easy way to share updates, manage tasks, and keep everyone informed without overwhelm.

Images below of Your Care Feed reveal a new Care Circle drop-down menu. Select one or all Care Circles for viewing and posting activity. Use the notification icon to access confirmations of new Care Circle activations and member acceptances.

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"Caregiving often calls us to lean into love we didn't know possible." - Tia Walker

Remember, making decisions based on your values isn't just about handling day-to-day tasks, it's about creating a sustainable and meaningful care journey. When your choices and values align, you'll likely find more fulfillment and resilience in your caregiving role.